Kuruvungna Springs Website

Created in collaboration with my classmate Janie Wang, this website details the ecology of the Kuruvungna Springs site in Los Angeles, a site that is significance to the Tongva people, an indigenous people of California. The site provides an immersive digital experience of the springs with the goal of attracting prospective visitors to visit the springs in person and providing general education for those interested in the springs. The key elements of the site is a list of the native plants found at the site with icons I illustrated that can be clicked to reveal information on individual plants. This website is still a work in progress.

Click here to visit website


Personal Identity Website

Tasked with creating a website that portrays our identity, I created a website that captured my main sources of inspiration in the first half of 2022. Using the website as a time capsule, I included different practices and people in my website that have inspired me while focusing on designing a lively and aesthetic website.